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Author visit – Karl Nova

We are very excited to announce that Karl Nova will be visiting us on Wednesday 28th February.

Karl Nova is one of the UK’s leading poets, a Hip Hop artist, and an award winning author, who delivers his work in his own unique, witty, and energetic style. Karl focuses on questioning the narrow definitions of what poetry is, as well as the discovery of the joy of poetic expression which came to him through the lyricism of rap music and the creativity found in spoken word slam poetry.

Karl will deliver year group assemblies to both Year 7 and Year 8. He will also be providing two workshops for students in Year 9. Places already allocated. 

Karl will also be signing books after school. You can purchase Karl’s books at the links below. They will be delivered and distributed on the day of the visit so students can have them signed and personalised by Karl. Rhythm & Poetry and The Curious Case of Karl Nova.

We’ve heard amazing feedback about Karl’s visits and how he engages and inspires the students. We hope our event will create a buzz and excitement with the students so please do talk to them about this at home.

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